Step Back Safely

>> Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I've let myself take the next 30 minutes before class to sit and reflect on the past week or so. Someone gave me a fantastic piece of advice to set aside short amounts of time during your day, every day, like 10 or 15 or 30 minutes to feel or do something that you want or need to do. So, that's what this is essentially. There are valuable things I've seen and learned since I last posted. 

The first being that even being busy doesn't necessarily equal stress. Often times we associate stress or worry when we have a lot of things to do or a long day ahead of us or a lot on our mind. Yes, these all could potentially contain situations that may be unpleasant, but instead of looking at this inevitably busy and crammed future with the mindset of, "holy shit, how am I going to get all this done?" it feels so much better to open your eyes to each moment. Let yourself live and breathe each thing that happens. Focus on the task at hand, not the next 5 that will happen later. In order to achieve that sense of "now" it's essential to understand that each and every moment that we live through can be an opportunity for us to learn and grow. It doesn't have to be an overwhelming stressor, but rather something that we are in the process of learning from. For instance, I spent every night last week in a crammed space at the back of theatre with a lighting board that seemed about 100 years old. Not the most pleasant activity, but I made a conscious effort to step back and realize that first and foremost, I am so lucky to be given the responsibility of designing a show. Beyond that, I am learning how to use the board, focus on what I need to do, design lights, and work with other people in general. (notice the theme of gratitude creeping in) I could continue to list the things that made me feel better but essentially, all I was focused on was the show and the board and the lights. NOT the fact that had homework that needed to get done, a fish to feed, or how little sleep I might get that night. I found myself getting things done quicker, more efficiently and with less stress. So I'll keep exploring this idea of focusing on one step at a time and see where it takes me.

The second major breakthrough this week also came from a very good friend. This person revealed to me something extremely personal and put great trust in me. It was something that had told one other person in their life because they didn't want to face it or talk about it. So, naturally I explained that the feelings they were having we're normal and understandable (that's the camp counselor in me coming out) and I didn't question the subject any further. To my surprise, this person continued to reveal more and more and more or less work through some things. Now, I am the kind of person who loves to cry and wear my heart on my sleeve but I understand that some people really hate doing that. This person had a wall up for so long that the freedom to let t down was not only scary but slightly relieving. The situation was something I had NEVER experienced and I could not sympathize with them, and they didn't want pity anyways. So I simply reassured them that they were safe and I was here to listen and reflect with them. My point of all this is that safety is something so essential to us as human beings. We need to feel safe in order to live. I encourage you to not only find somewhere that you feel truly safe, but also to provide someone you love with that safety. I am a people pleaser at heart and so doing that for someone is really rewarding for me. I can only hope it brings as much comfort and connection to you as it did for me and this friend of mine.

The last little thing I want to mention is that a few days ago I subscribed to a daily email from a restaurant in California called cafe gratitude. Every day they send out two questions that are for personal reflection. Ive found it to be grounding and helpful in seeing the big picture of things. One question is normally something that is negative, like something you're scared of, or something you wish you had. The other is positive, something you love to do, something that motivates or inspires you. Ill post a link in my next blog but i just wanted to share this helpful tool with you! Thank you for reading and I hope you're feeling good today.

All that with a splash of gratitude,


Come On Get Happy

>> Saturday, October 15, 2011

Today is Saturday, October 15th, and I'm currently en route to Honey Pot Hill orchard, about 30 minutes outside the city, to go apple picking with SGA. We were originally scheduled to go last weekend but our bus never showed up. Don't you worry, I proved that was kin of my mother and father by letting them know exactly how I felt. Needless to say, we ended up getting a discount on our bus for this weekend, which I still think should have been free, but what do I know? I will say, this weekend feels more like fall than the last. It was about 80 last Saturday and today it's like 65 and sunny. Boston has been pretty indecisive about it's weather choices, but this weeks finally showing signs of consistency. Fall in Boston is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. It's sunny and cool and colorful and comforting and there is a sense of love in the air, which is nice to have before the harsh winter that is New England. The past few weeks in general have been action packed and eye opening. I had the opportunity to perform in a senior directed scene and I got the chance to see my parents for the first time since I moved in! The reunion was bittersweet knowing that they only had 48 hours to spend here. We made the most of it, shopping, eating and catching up or cleaning up. Besides the external things have been going on, I've had no lack of internal things happening too. With the classes this year digging deeper into our souls and ripping our insides out, there is an incredible opportunity for self discovery. I've come to realize that I am more self aware than I've ever been. It seems like these late teen years and early 20s, are really where you start becoming the person you're going to be. You start seeing things in yourself you never have before and you continually find surprises in your behavior, your language, your mind, and your heart. However confusing all this is, I still feel confident in the fact that I know I'm confused about some things. I'm learning that life is truly what you make it. Like I've said before, there are things in life we can control, and things we can't. The things that we can't, we have to accept and express endless gratitude for, even if it means twisting in some way to become or learn something positive or constructive. The things we can control are just that. We can make the choice to really live , learn new things, take time for ourselves, get out and meet people. We can choose to smile or frown or cry, to be sad or to be happy. I truly believe happiness is an attitude not an emotion. Thus, we can ultimately choose to be happy. There is a time for sadness and grief and I'm in no way saying that we are not allowed to feel these things when we need to. Really NEED to. But, once that is passed we have to chose to get happy. So, until next time and in the long term, I am making a vow here and will hold true to this; I am going to be happy. I am going to smile when needed, ask someone how their day, express gratitude for the things that I am really lucky to have, like waking up every single day living and breathing. So you know what, BE HAPPY!

All that with a splash of gratitude,


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