Christmas Lullaby

>> Friday, December 24, 2010

Hello from beneath the rays of sunny florida. I am currently sitting in my room with my cousin Jordan and I decided to post since it's been a few days. Let me recap some of the past week for all ya'lls. So, the flight to FLA was quite nice. Nothing too bad, easy window seat, and a couple that only spoke spanish next to me wasn't the worst combination. Beside the fact that they fell asleep and endlessly drooled on each other, it was all good. I got my luggage ok and was happy to be arriving in Florida, and not in snowy and cold Chicago. I hung out with my grandparents for a whole 24 hours and it was lovely. We went to dinner at this really "hip" restaurant that is owned by the same people who run my favorite place in Florida. The next day my mom, dad, and brother arrived and the fun began. Since than we've been sitting in the sun and just hanging out, not to mention sleeping in and staying up late.Why you ask? Because this kid is new Netflix subscriber and has become addicted the Showtime sensation, Weeds. I have already finished 2 seasons in a matter of 48 hours and I cannot stop. I love the fact that the show is classified as a dramady, which is exactly what it is. There are moments that I laugh quite hard, and moments where I am literally sitting on my bed with my mouth wide open. It keeps me on edge the entire time, I am, like I said, addicted. Speaking of dramatic media, my first night here I had the privilege of seeing "The Black Swan" with my grandparents, not something I would recommend. The movie itself was fantastic and Natalie Portman was stunning. I sincerely hope she wins the oscar, or at least something. That's the kind of role that can mess someone up in their head, and she really was acting out of her mind, like crazy amazing. Speaking of ACTING, I recently started reading a book for my acting class, "The Actor and The Target". I really didn't know what to expect but I have to say, though I am only 3 chapters in, it's incredible. I'm already learning a lot from it! If you're into deep stuff about acting, give it a good read. That means you Rachel Rubenstein. Other than that, there hasn't been much going on. Today my aunt, uncle and cousins arrived, and the party REALLY got started. Tonight we got dinner at a restaurant named LoLa, and it was mighty delicious. There was, of course, no lack of laughs as it always is when our whole family is together. It was a lot of fun and it made me sit back and appreciate my family on this Christmas Eve. LoLa stands for Laugh often, Love A Lot and I guess this will be the deep part of my blog for the night. I decided, after taking a picture of the sign, and thinking about it I sort of decided I need to do both a lot more. I think that at school I have been taking things a little too seriously, and maybe in life in general too. I need to start laughing stuff off, and today I had the chance to grab a bit with an old camp friend and it reminded me how good laughing feels. There are so many memories from camp that make me laugh harder than anything else, and I realized that I need more of that in the rest of my life. So from now on, I'm gonna laugh...more. In terms of Love A Lot, I'm gonna start by showing my love for the people around me more. Sometimes I guess I take things for granted, like people, and I don't tell people how much they mean to me enough. So, that's my "preach" for the day. Give it thought, do you laugh and love enough? Anyway, I hope that this finds you well and that your new year is wonderful and bright. And of course, have a merry Christmas. 
(I have been dying to end my blog like this since I started)
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!



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